Important Note

1.To qualify as a member of our program, you must be in adherence with the spirit of Global Professionals Creative Strategy Project and have a leadership to be an evangelist of our will. MBA or any other qualification and previous experience is not a requirement for our program.
2. Please note that we cannot answer any question which involves to examination result (e.g. pass or fail).
*:Required Fields


Your Name*

Your E-mail Address*

Alma mater, faculty, major, degree (Please fill in all of yours)*

Your Age*

Date of Birth*

Your Address*

Your Affiliation or Occupation (If you still belong to graduate school, please fill in its name and major)*

Job Title

 Staff (section staff, chief) Manager (assistant manager, manager) Senior Manager (Director or above)

Job you are currently involved

 Sales Business Product development Promotion IT Logistics Advertising Brand Management Strategy Human Resource R&D Finance Production Management General Affairs Safety, Quality and Environment Other Other ;please fill in the details here. 

What is your motivation to apply for this program.*

How did you reach this website?(multiple choice allowed)*

 GTF e-mail newsletter Report from MBA alma mater Search WEB Guidance from Yamamoto International Marketing SNS (e.g. Facebook) Acquaintance Other

In the case of “Acquaintance”, please fill in her/his name. 
In the case of “Other”, please fill in the details. 

Experienced/Interested Industry, and Job type (multiple choice allowed)

Experienced Industry

 IT Financial Services Distribution Pharmaceutical, Biomedical Automotive Chemical Manufacturing Human Resources, Education Building, Real Estate Government Service Other For “Other”, please fill in the details to the next blank box. 

Interested Industry

 IT Financial Services Distribution Pharmaceutical, Biomedical Automotive Chemical Manufacturing Human Resources, Education Building, Real Estate Government Service Other For “Other”, please fill in the details to the next blank box. 

Experienced Job type

 Sales Product Development Sales Promotion IT Distribution Advertising Brand Corporate Planning Human Resource R&D Finance Product Management General Affairs Corporate Social Responsibility Other For “Other”, please fill in the details to the next blank box. 

Interested Job type

 Sales Product Development Sales Promotion IT Distribution Advertising Brand Corporate Planning Human Resource R&D Finance Product Management General Affairs Corporate Social Responsibility Other For “Other”, please fill in the details to the next blank box. 

About yourself

Explain what you like to do, which you are not good at.

Explain what you don’t like to do, which you are good at.

Explain what you like to do, which you are good at.

Explain what you don’t like to do, which you are not good at.

Which do you like most:

 Submit your output perfectly Add value from your original point of view

Prerequisite for your career building

Rate followings how important in your life as specific as you can:

・To dream come true of your family: your parents, partner or child.

・To dream come true of your own.

(e.g.1 Your dream 30%, Your family’s dream 70%)
(e.g.2 Your dream 100%, Your family’s dream 100%…same dream)

For goal of your life and career, do you and your family have shared awareness?

 Yes No No opinion

Lifework (i.e. what you want to continue to do, and what you want to achieve in your life)

 Volunteer Travel Sport Hobby Job Describe it specifically

Concrete image of achieving above.

(e.g. Living abroad with family, and paragliding in the blue sky which is my hobby.)

Career Goal

Willing to achieve when you are...

years old

At that point, your employer will be...

 Yourself(Entrepreneur) Executive of venture Executive of major company Executive of middle-size company

At that point, your role will be...

 Specialist Job Management Position Entrepreneur

For that point, necessary knowledge, skills, and experience are...

Gap between your goal and present

The most ideal scene achieving your career goal

(e.g. At the age of 40, will become a Managing director of Sales department at XXX, venture company of telecommunication service. Achieving results, and have bonus and stock option in 5 years, I will start my own business. While centrally focusing on my lifework, I’d like to write a book of my experience, and keep enlighten people with my speeches or anything else to make a contribution for growth of Japanese economy.)

What is the greatest risk for you? (multiple choice allowed)

 Loss of job Can’t improve your specialties Slow learning speed Salary falls Can’t have time to enjoy your hobby or be with your family Can’t achieve your career goal Can’t find your career goal Can’t find your goal of your life (lifework) Can’t achieve your goal of your life(lifework)

Your present dilemma (what you are worrying about)

Joining our program

In which country do you want to join our program?

 Japan Myanmar Singapore Taiwan Korea

Your intention to join our program

 All of the program Specific program only

Thank you for filling all and applying for our program!

If you have any further comments, please fill in the next box.

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